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At ATOP Pharma Solutions, our mission is to empower our clients through resources, education, and training about language and culture. Knowledge and resources about language will help more and more business owners and businesses grow and establish their businesses across geographical boundaries.

Exclusively focusing on the entire Regulatory value-chain, ATOP leverages its domain expertise and technology innovations to evolve hi-end, next generation Regulatory solutions and services that enable performance, operational excellence and significant cost and compliance benefits to clients.

Our experience

We adopt a structured approach towards our services which enables us to gain the edge over our competitors in the industry.

Regulatory Services
Intellectual Property Rights

Our specialization

Pharma regulatory services offers the companies a keen insight into the rules and regulations in different countries. All countries have a different set of rules and regulations which are strictly imposed on pharmaceutical industries.

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Regulatory Services

Pharma regulatory services offers the companies a keen insight into the rules and regulations in different countries.


At ATOP all medicines and vaccines undergo rigorous testing for safety and efficacy through clinical trials before they are authorized for use.

Intellectual property rights

Intellectual property rights (IPR) refers to the legal rights given to the inventor or creator to protect his invention or creation for a certain period of time.

Pharmaceutical Translation

All businesses have translation needs, regardless of the fact in which country or in which industry they are working.

Toxicology and Impurity

All countries have a different set of rules and regulations which are strictly imposed on pharmaceutical industries.


When organizations plan to expand their businesses in different countries, it is essential that they can communicate with people from different countries efficiently.