ATOP Pharma Solutions

About Company
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Who we are

At ATOP Pharma Solutions, our mission is to empower our clients through resources, education, and training about language and culture. Knowledge and resources about language will help more and more business owners and businesses grow and establish their businesses across geographical boundaries.

Exclusively focusing on the entire Regulatory value-chain, ATOP leverages its domain expertise and technology innovations to evolve hi-end, next generation Regulatory solutions and services that enable performance, operational excellence and significant cost and compliance benefits to clients.

Why choose us

We adopt a structured approach towards our services which enables us to gain the edge over our competitors in the industry. Over and above regulatory services, ATOP also offers expert services for translation, patent, trademark, and copyright.

  • Regulatory Services
  • Pharmacovigilance
  • Toxicology and Impurity
  • Pharmaceutical Translation
  • Trademark , Patent and Copyright

Our experience

Trademark and Patents - 10 years
Pharmaceutical Translation - 8 years
Design Filing - 6 years
Regulatory Services - 5 years
Toxicology and Impurity - 2 years

Benefits Of Working With Us

Project Evaluation, Approval and Allocation

One of the most important part of any project is project evaluation. The project is then allocated to a team of professionals who have the required expertise depending on the project evaluation. Delegating the project to the right team of professionals with necessary expertise and experience is very essential to the quality of the output.

Review and Editing

There are instances when some languages and cultures do not accept certain words and sentences, which are easily accepted by most other languages and cultures. The linguistic experts also ensure that the content in the final draft do not contain any words or sentences which are deemed inappropriate in that particular language or culture.

Proofreading by experts

Our team comprises of expert proofreaders who have multiple years of experience in proofreading professional content. We have set up a two-step proofreading process, wherein all content is proofread twice by different proofreaders. Moreover, the two-step proofreading process ensures that there is no margin for error in the final content which is delivered to the clients.

Final revision and delivery

After being reviewed and edited by linguistic experts and after being proofread by proofreading experts, the content undergoes a two-stage final check by the most experienced professionals. The content is ready to be delivered to the client after the two-step final revision.